Thursday 23 June 2011

New blog name

After much deliberation it was decided to change the title of the blog.
The previous title "The World of an IT geek" or what ever it used to be called, was quite lame.

I put my thinking juices into action and after a long and thoughtful 2 minutes I came up with ...

Geekology - Tada!

How did I come to the word Geekology? Well it's quite simple, I'm a geek and I love technology. It's as simple as that.

I've also like to share some other things I've discovered in the past few days.
1.) Google Maps - now showing the traffic for more minor roads, like the A4074 between Oxford and Reading and even some of the main roads in Oxford itself! This is something I've been saying we need and never thought it would actually happen. Though some seem like a false positive, most likely because of the traffic lights. I'd like to know what they're using to measure the traffic flow

b.) Limp Bizkit's new album, Gold Cobra -very good from what I've heard so far !

III.) Navizon - In less than a week of using it I've racked up over 3000 points! here are my stats so far:

Wifi discovered by you7802340
Cell towers discovered by you460
Wifi already mapped513513
Cell towers already mapped78156

I'm a bit miffed someone has already mapped all those cell towers! That's another 1170 points lost *Insert grumpy face*

If anyone wants to sign up to Navizon use this link:

You will keep all your points you earn AND I'll earn 20% of the points you earn, IE they don't transfer your points to me, we both keep the points! :) After 10,000 points you earn $15. Doesn't sound like much, but for not doing anything other than installing an app on your phone and going about your normal routine it's an extra $15 you never had, and if you get enough people signing up you'll get more monies! So go on, what you waiting for!

δ.) Mac's they frustrate me. Why when dialing a PPTP VPN do they not pass certain characters in the password? a flipping £ sign was not being passed and thus auth failing. The system was running the latest and greatest Snow Leopard and a colleague said he found the same thing with Snow Leopard a few months back! Is this common? Is it an intentional bug? Will it get fixed in Lion? We're supposed to use special characters to make passwords more complex and now someone can't have a secure(er) password because his VPN on his Mac won't work! 

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